Circuit bending a Mix Me DJ

1209_audibledisease_mixmedjThe “Mix Me DJ” was another great find! It was not that difficult to bend and the results were great. I basically added a pitch control which can be toggled between being controlled by a knob or by a theremin-like photo eye (a CdS photocell). Also added 1/4 inch jacks for input and output and gave it a nifty paint job making the plain old boring scratch wheel into a super-satanic-scratch wheel! I also added a volume control as this thing was just way too loud and there was no way to control that.

When the internal clock speed goes too fast, the circuit really starts glitching and making all sorts of mean noises. When first playing around with the device, I was sort of avoiding the sounds generated by the pop-out keyboard but as it turned out, the little keyboard produced some of the sickest sounds!

There were two fake knobs above the scratch wheel on either side. I cut off the tops of the faux knobs with a hack saw just leaving a ring to mount the real pots into. Nice.

Probably the hardest thing about modifying this beast was putting everything back in it’s place after the bends were made. If you want to bend one of these, it might be a good idea to jot down some notes on where all the screws, springs, etc. go. You might want to put sets of screws and stuff in their own baggie or envelope or something.

Watch this neat video:

Here is a very large image with the bends annotated on the image.


5 Thoughts on “Circuit bending a Mix Me DJ

  1. Hi, I just found a limited edition PINK ‘mix me dj’….

    Gonna ‘bend it right now, so thanks for sharing the board photo. It’ll save a bit of time.

    I’ve heard that there’s some hidden sounds on this machine, possibly a matrix easter egg?

    I’ll let you know if I find anything….


  2. nice work 🙂
    I will make something like this, on the one i have 😀
    Thanks for sharing the ideas 🙂

  3. Hi! I just found one of these and the keyboard is not working. I’m not actually a bender (yet) but thought you would be good people to ask about where to start in making it do sounds..
    If you have any tips ‘d love to hear them


  4. The newer modle of this keyboard has 2 seprate voices for circuit bending. 1)the keyabord and samples voice 2) the beats voice. Both are intependantly hackable

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