12-24-07_1337My Name is Bob Scott. I spend most of my day either playing with cool noise making musical gear, making said gear or circuit bending the crap out of an electronic device I found somewhere. I own and operate NoiseFX, Inc., a mail-order musical equipment and accessory shop out of Sacramento, California. I’m also involved with Audible Disease which is a small company that creates and manufacturers unique musical devices designed to bring audio pain to whatever musical layout. I also have a one-man noise music project that’s super cool and goes by the name of Xome. I made this blog to share some madness with the rest of the world. You might also get to see some Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP (um, LAMP) tips and tricks as well as I’ve also been doing Web development since 1995. As an added bonus, I might divulge pretty basic information about running a business. Since opening NoiseFX, Inc. in 2004, I’ve learned a lot of stuff about operating a small business. Perhaps the information can save you a headache or two! In the words of the all-mighty Beavis, “Thank you… drive through.”

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